Request fo Applications (RFA)

Teacher Scholarship Application
School Grants Made Easy (SGME) Training Program (Beta Group)

School Grants Made Easy (SGME), offered by the Grants Made Simple Foundation (GMSF), is an online program for K-12 educators to develop skills writing grant proposals that secure funding to augment classroom budgets.  To be awarded a scholarship for our Beta group you must be a K-12 educator in the United States, agree to our Qualifications and Expectations, and submit your completed Teacher Scholarship Application online no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Monday, May 9, 2022.  Applications submitted after this date will not be considered, nor will emailed or mailed applications.


For information concerning the scoring process, please carefully read the Review Criteria and Scoring Rubric. The GMSF Scholarship Review Committee members will use this rubric to score applications. We highly recommend that you refer to this document when completing the two writing sections of your application.


Applicants will receive email notification of their scholarship status by May 18, 2022.


Benefits of the School Grants Made Easy Training


If you are selected to receive a scholarship, you will become a member of the SGME community and have access to:


  1. The SGME curriculum, a 9-module online training program that gives you tips, step-by-step techniques, and insider “secrets” for writing successful proposals.
  2. Award-winning proposal examples you may use to “jump-start” your grant writing.
  3. Resource sheets and templates to help you keep the most important grant writing information at your fingertips.
  4. Access to a growing community of like-minded teachers on our School Grants Made Easy Facebook group. You’ll be able to post questions and comments and interact with other members of this community.


Please note, the GMSF reserves the right to share any and all information related to the SGME training as the GMSF deems reasonable. The GMSF does not share personal information. For additional information, please review our Privacy Policy.


We look forward to learning more about you and your interest in receiving training through the GMSF.


To qualify for a scholarship, the applicant must be a K-12 educator in the United States, agree to our Qualifications and Expectations, and submit the completed online application no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Monday, May 9, 2022. Applicants will receive email notification of their scholarship status by May 18, 2022.

Additionally, applicants agree to the following:

  • Approved applicants must fully participate in the training, including:
    • Complete all School Grants Made Easy (SGME) training modules.
    • Regularly attend weekly Mastermind/Q&A sessions. These sessions will be recorded and available to listen to if you are unable to attend.
    • Provide feedback on the content of the SGME training, both during the training and upon its conclusion.

Failure to participate could result in loss of your scholarship.

  • Upon completing the training, participants agree to:
    • Provide a testimony to the Grants Made Simple Foundation (GMSF) sharing your experience with the SGME training.
    • Write and submit a minimum of one (1) proposal within three (3) months of completing the last SGME training module. Please note, you will start the grant writing process during the SGME training.
    • Once you complete and submit this first proposal to the potential funder, immediately complete and submit a very short and simple Grant Submission Form to the GMSF. This form will be online so it may be quickly and easily completed. Then, each time you submit a grant proposal to a funder over the next 5 years, you will submit this same Grant Submission Form to the GMSF so the foundation may compile data regarding participants’ submissions.  (As a reminder, all participant data will be kept anonymous.)
  • Once funding is secured, participants agree to:
    • Complete and submit a Grant Award Form to the GMSF for each grant you secure for 5 years from the date of your completion of the SGME training. This Grant Award Form must be completed within one week of receiving documentation that you were awarded the grant.
    • Complete a minimum of one case study discussing your experience with the SGME training and a grant proposal you wrote that received funding. You will collaborate with GMSF staff to complete this 1-page overview of the SGME training and your experiences writing, submitting, and implementing your funded proposal.
    • Provide an electronic copy of the following documents:
      • At least one (1) grant proposal you wrote that received funding.
      • Press releases announcing funded grants received. (Please note, creating press releases is covered in the training.)
      • Samples of promotional materials and resources, etc. developed from funded grant projects.

Additionally, participants agree to allow the GMSF to use their likeness/photos, testimonials, and copies of all submitted material for strategic planning, marketing, and other needs as the GMSF sees fit. For additional information, please review our Privacy Policy.

Interested K-12 educators must complete the Teacher Scholarship Application. Emailed and mailed applications will not be accepted.

Scholarship applications may be submitted online at any time during the year.  The GMSF will offer four training sessions each year consisting of 15 to 20 participants, as scholarship funding permits. We anticipate the training to take twelve weeks (plan 15 to 30 minutes for each lesson). Application deadlines for future trainings are:

  • December 1 (by 11:59 PM Eastern Time) for consideration to participate in the January training.
  • March 1 (by 11:59 PM Eastern Time) for consideration to participate in the April training.
  • June 1 (by 11:59 PM Eastern Time) for consideration to participate in the July training.
  • September 1 (by 11:59 pm Eastern Time) for consideration to participate in the October training.

Please see the School Grants Made Easy Training Schedule for additional information.

The GMSF Scholarship Review Committee will read and score submitted applications and make scholarship recommendations to the GMSF Board. The GMSF Board will confirm final scholarship recipients.

The number of scholarship recipients is dependent upon the number of scholarships funded each training period.

If you have questions or difficulty completing the online Teacher Scholarship Application, email [email protected]. Only questions relating to the application will receive a response.