Qualifications and Expectations

To qualify for a scholarship, the applicant must be a K-12 educator in the United States and submit the completed Teacher Scholarship Application online no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Monday, May 9, 2022. Applicants will receive email notification of their scholarship status by May 18, 2022.


Additionally, applicants agree to the following:

  • Approved applicants must fully participate in the training, including:
    • Complete all School Grants Made Easy (SGME) training modules.
    • Regularly attend weekly Mastermind/Q&A sessions. These sessions will be recorded and available to listen to if you are unable to attend.
    • Provide feedback on the content of the SGME training, both during the training and upon its conclusion.

Failure to participate could result in loss of your scholarship.

  • Upon completing the training, participants agree to:
    • Provide a testimony to the Grants Made Simple Foundation (GMSF) sharing your experience with the SGME training.
    • Write and submit a minimum of one (1) proposal within three (3) months of completing the last SGME training module. Please note, you will start the grant writing process during the SGME training.
    • Once you complete and submit this first proposal to the potential funder, immediately complete and submit a very short and simple Grant Submission Form to the GMSF. This form will be online so it may be quickly and easily completed. Then, each time you submit a grant proposal to a funder over the next 5 years, you will submit this same Grant Submission Form to the GMSF so the foundation may compile data regarding participants’ submissions.  (As a reminder, all participant data will be kept anonymous.)
  • Once funding is secured, participants agree to:
    • Complete and submit a Grant Award Form to the GMSF for each grant you secure for 5 years from the date of your completion of the SGME training. This Grant Award Form must be completed within one week of receiving documentation that you were awarded the grant.
    • Complete a minimum of one case study discussing your experience with the SGME training and a grant proposal you wrote that received funding. You will collaborate with GMSF staff to complete this 1-page overview of the SGME training and your experiences writing, submitting, and implementing your funded proposal.
    • Provide an electronic copy of the following documents:
      • At least one (1) grant proposal you wrote that received funding.
      • Press releases announcing funded grants received. (Please note, creating press releases is covered in the training.)
      • Samples of promotional materials and resources, etc. developed from funded grant projects.


Additionally, participants agree to allow the GMSF to use their likeness/photos, testimonials, and copies of all submitted material for strategic planning, marketing, and other needs as the GMSF sees fit. For additional information, please review our Privacy Policy.